THE FACTS Born in a era when you can buy fireworks and switchblades at you local drug store. Rode with no helmets. 60s, 70s Metal, Glam, Blank Wave, No Wave, New Wave, Punk. One goal design and develop. Years of study and working in design, fashion, product design, application development, user experience, user interface, development and deep code. Past clothing experience with Lip Service, Serious and many more. A portfolio that interwinds with music, tech, education, etc blah blah blah industry too. Now is the time to have fun and express all our minds.

CEO / Founder

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork corned beef capicola, spare ribs jowl shank kielbasa jerky.

Ms Tech13
Marketing Director

Sirloin pork chop fatback, prosciutto cupim sausage shoulder ham chislic picanha rump.

Joe Sa Tan
Public Relations

Doner bacon prosciutto swine chuck chislic cow. Picanha ground round cow short ribs bresaola. 

Beelze Bub De Vil
Customer Support

Pork chop buffalo meatball short ribs. Jerky turducken bresaola, beef ribs filet mignon ribeye